atl Atlanta's I-20 Racers < - > 2007-01-13 15:24:43
in the transgender porn that i watched with my dad, seemed pretty cool and a good place to work for a guy like me with limited reading and math skills due to my mom’s cocaine and heroin abuse during pregnancy. i went to several jobsites looking for muscular homos desperate to take a three hour break with a borderline retarded boy, but it seems that, that only happens in the movies. after about 2 weeks of searching, i found employment at a cross-dressing concrete company. being the low man on the totem pole, i was expected to satisfy the higher echelons of the workforce when necessary. this included the lunch truck guy and any homeless negroes wandering about. it was hard work, but honest, and i only contracted five forms of VD on my first job. things were going great for a few years until my bunghole couldn’t take the stress any more and i applied for permanent disability. shortly after, i got depressed and started using drugs. i guess you know the rest. whilst scoring narcos one year, i bought some beer to take off the edge and discovered this majestic beverage was a far better substitute for crack or anal plugging than anything i had ever tried before. this product was and is called pabst blue ribbon. thanks pbr!