nsh took a walk down to the local war protests < - > 2007-01-29 17:21:11
and things were pretty tough. corey feldman and i were squatting in a cold water flat south of broadway where we barely made food money by cage dancing for the newly rich gay war protesting scene. the only problem was that all these tech savy hipsters kept mistaking our down and out post modern look as some kind of ultra cool attitude. we were like gods to them, and they wouldn't leave corey's anus alone. corey was taking it pretty hard too as there was an apple conference in town. at one point corey pissed off one of the hardened lesbians with an idle remark about contracting without a license and she ended up stepping on his neck for fifteen minutes... you know? semi retarded people get a lot less slack than full blown cases, pity. on top of this, corey's refusal to agree that, yes, charles is in fact in charge, finally led to the ultimate demise of our friendship. anyway, it was around about that time that i met kimmy, my new porsche driving bisexual blogging girlfriend. sometimes outside of our german engineered automobile window, we would see corey catching a muni with a gold sequined leotard and we would snap pictures of him for our blog, clink freshly opened PBR's, and never look back. thanks PBR!
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