Sickness < - > 11/08 09:36:27
There I was shivering cold with my guts writhing in pain as I sweated and wished for death ,yes I was dope sick again with no money to get well.
I knew where to get money but needed a little just to get well enough to move from my 85 dollar a week flophouse room.
So I just layed there curled in the fecal position.
The door opened and in walked my friend Hector he immediatley set to work at my hotplate to remedy my sad situation.
When the needle hit the vein I immediattly started to feel better ,in less than a minute I was nearley %100 just a little groggy.
Hector shot me up with a half a bag expecting me to pay him back a whole bag .
Our usual practice .
After I splashed my face and rinsed with germ killing listerine I tried to get myself together to go get some money before the half a bag wore off.But Hector woudnt stop babbling about some girl he had jerked off on in the subway early that morning ,he was really pissing me off so I threw a can of green giant cream corn at his left temple rendering him instantly unconcsiece.
I started walking to the judges house to get some money .The judge was a real retired circuit judge who liked me to dress up in a ballerina tu-tu and brush his hair while I sang christmas carols and he stroked his judiscias member.
For this I got 50 bucks ,he always promised if I pissed on him he would give me more money .I never took the old freak up on it as I hadnt been that desperate until that day.
I had just finished a Bing Crosby tune and was about to start Jingle Bells when the judge asked if today was the day?
Yes I told him and told him to get ready for a special treat .The judge layed down on the floor and waited for my treat .It happens that after I get sick then well my intestines do funny things and they were grumbling like a nursing home patient being served cold soup.
The first blast of shit hit the old judge with the pressure of a fire hose knocking him flat on his back the 2nd and last blast blinded him in its toxic watery greeness.
He screamed and wailed in delight in ecstasy holding his weenie in one hand and a steaming turd in the other.
I told the wretched old freak that I was gonna split cause I had to go score some shit he mumbled thru gags of ecstasy that the money was in a kitchen drawer and something that sounded like "I love you". I snagged the cash about 2 hunge and was gonna beat feet but decided to help my self to a couple beers for the train ride uptown. On the train I cracked a beer and when it hit my tongue I was in immediatte ecstasy . I held the can tight so I wouldnt drop it ,like a momma Bald eagle would hold an infant flying back to feed it to her eaglettes. The brand was Pabst Blue ribbon and my life changed from that day on ,no more dope sickness for me ,I moved in with judge and he supports my smack habit and I support his addiction to bodily functions of another man. Thanks PBR.
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