nyc Uplifting story < - > 2006-11-09 16:18:09
I thought that I might freeze to death but the steaming entrails laying on the floor of the Chinese sausage factory where I worked kept me warm.I was only 18 and had just got kicked out of my nice suburban home by my step mom after a long bout of depression due to my obbsession with my stinky penis. My dad was a pussy and only wanted to bone his new wife without a care for the horrible stench emulating from his only sons scrotal/penile area. My job in the cat sausage factory could have been a dead end until I met Mr. Ling he was a retired chinese porn actor who enjoyed crossdressing and the taste of boiled virgin pubic hair. The quaint old Chinamen loved the smell of my putrid sack and befriended me like a son. There after he died tragicly trying to have sex with a goat milking machine. I roamed aimlessley for years until I found myself employed at the famous Dr.Smiths all boy dance and colon twitching review. My roomate at the time was a Norwegian hemopheliac with severe violent tendencies due to his years of Viking man to man rape. One day he showed up after a night of sodomy and anal violence with his bloody colon dangling like a squashed pigeon and just before passing out into a 11 month coma he handed me a couple cans of a mysterious new drink. It turned out to be PABST BLUE RIBBON and after a taste or two it dawned on me that this beverage from the Gods would also makle a great scrotal deodarant . Suffice to say my sack now only smells like stale beer and my life is great ,I now work at an all male skating ring as a cumtaster and my life couldnt be better. Thanks PBR.
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