The cold was the worst part of it ,not the bugs or the dampness. I was called dog boy by the priest and they made me live in the basemant of the church . I am slightly deformed with only one eye and a club foot ,I guess you could call me a freak because of my twisted and mishapen body but the most freakish part is my huge disgusting penis . My boy bat exudes unique and disgusting odours similiar to diesel fuel mixed with baby shit and dog farts.I guess the size and shape of my big stinker is what most attracts them to my damp fetid sleeping quarters.My guy gun is about the size and shape of an Australian football only with scabs and oozing puss. O'Hara was the young new priest and he was really nice ,only punching me after he was done sodomizing me with a crucifixe and cumming in my eyesockets a few times.He was so much more kind than the older and meaner priests. My stench was permiating the entire church I knew from Father O'Hara telling me so and I figured my days were numbered .I had seen the bones of the other basement boys. Escape filled my dreams and seemed to permeate my disgusting smell with a new and vital vibrance unknown to myself or my captors which only lead to more anal abuse . I stabbed Father O'Hara in the neck with a sharpened tooth brush and mastubated in joyous delight at my impending escape all over his flowing cloak. I took the keys and let myself out at about midnight wearing father O'Haras gowns,fully confident of my plan. I made it to a convinience store and purchased sustanance for the long journey ahead ,the only employee turned his face and covered his nose in putrification and disgust at this foul smelling priest limping thru his store. When the priest dogs caught up with me by the highway I wasnt really surprised and only tried to keep my treats from outside hidden whilst being whisk away to the dungeon of perpetual pain. Amongst my purchases pork rinds , beany weineys ,doritoes,I found a tantalizing new beverage called PABST BLUE RIBBON. I still get beat and raped 6 times a day but I love PBR. THANKS PBR !!!!
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