nyc Sorry to repost but its very important < - > 2007-01-13 20:36:40
My dad and my self have become deeply ensconced in the gay and trans gendered life style ,we are both having a lot of fun and meeting new and very interesting people. The only downside we have encountered is that with the never ending rise in cost of all petroleum products i.e gas oil etc. the price of lubricants so necessary to this unique and fulfilling pastime will soon make our new and exciting hobby unobtainable to dad and myself on a full time basis. Now to the point of this post.I know that everyone is having hard times financially so I would never be so bold as to request any of my friends or aqcuaintances let alone family members for cash in this lube emergency.But it would be very helpful if you could indulge my lover (my dad) in a small favor. The amount of food most Americans consume is so filled with sugar and fat that there always seems to be residual amounts of lard ,grease and other oily substances that can be used as improvised anal lubricants or I.A.L.s as there commonly referred to.These slippery and slimy leftovers from for example a meal of bacon and eggs usually find there way into the trash which is very wasteful and selfish considering the hours of joy any lubricant especially if it were to contain crispy chunks of delicious bacon or some other food could bring to members of the gay community. A simple plastic pail available at any dollar or 99 cents store can help so many in there time of need .The only other small embarrassment besides carrying a pail of anal lube with you to lunch breakfast, brunch and dinner will be having to wring out any uneaten hashbrowns ,freedom fries or southern fried chicken in you're anal pail.Any embarrassment and inconvenience will soon turn into pride as word spreads about you're heartfelt act of kindness that can help those in a time of need. What do I do with my bucket of anal lube when full? You ask. Simply drop it off in any of the convenient anal lube collection centers located in the heart of New York cities Greenwich Village or San Francisco or any downtown area throughout the U.S. and Canada. Thank you my friend for you're support . J.T.B.
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