nyc Rememberance of elections past < - > 2006-11-06 18:25:13
I was a relative newcomer to the entire political thing and was looking forward to casting my 1st vote. My family wasnt really into politics or voting because at that time the polls werent handicap friendly and my dad had his penis nearly blown off in Korea and had to get a transplant from a zebra.Needless to say it was done at the V.A. and the job was completely botched. The infection and subsequent patch job surgeries left him with a nearley three and a half foot member covered with boils ,scabs and bleeding pustules. So after contacting a very Democratiticly active uncle who sometimes liked to play find the cookie in his pants I was ready to get registered and vote. My uncle soon after I registered decided we should celebrate with a delicious American made product called Pabst Blue Ribbon. I voted like my uncle told me to ,the NAMBLA ticket and its virile candidates all the way. I love politics and my uncle Frederick a lot. Thanks PBR.
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