Went to Home Depot got out the Sentra and stepped in a big pile of dog crap! Had the glosshes on tho NBD. God did that ever stink up the aisles.
Then did my usu and went to Lowes and got a Polish and a cup of hot coco... :)! As I was gettin in my Sentra, a big bird crapped on my head as I was takin off my cap. I think it was a Crow or maybe a Vulture - couldn't really see as it was startin to sleet. Sucked a 12oz just to be able to drive home... can it get any worse? On the way home a deer jumped out in front of me an Wham! Blood on the Windshield! haha - Better than a 22 and real quiet. I gutted the thing right there and then - while it was still warm and sort of twitchin'.. but not for long.
Kept the heart to eat for dinner (I got a great recipie!) Dumped the carcass off at Joes da Butcher - note pinned neatly on - "Dues Paid - SBB"
Then as I was drivin in the drive - Smoke started to billow out under the hood - CAR ON FIRE!
uh, well, I pissed on the fire cuz had to go really bad from the 12er - that was enough to put the fire out. Guess I'll shower now - Makin Rice Puddin and Deer Heart etc. for dinner yummmmmm! :)!PBR Pabst blue ribbon.
Had to be done to archive this.
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