But it didnt turn out that way instead I just sat in a mud hut filled with vermin afraid to go outside because of the rebels. Once or twice weekly a 600 lb. native woman would come by for anal sex ,she didnt bathe and sometimes her crack was crunchy with dried fecal chunks.It was cheap though about 43 cents U.S. About 4 months in after being raped and robbed by some neighboring villagers a package arrived from the states.I was hoping for anal lube and oreos like my mom,usually sent but instead this package contained the finest beer known to mankind Pabst Blue Ribbon. Things picked up after that my scrotal flaking sort of cleared up and the nest of bugs that had taken to dwelling beneath my nut sack had stopped laying eggs. I figured if you cant beat em join em and started raiding other villages for human flesh and fresh man ass. That was 25 years ago and I still love PBR and colon creeping. Thanks PBR.
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