sfo Another Thanksgiving past < - > 2006-11-25 15:00:26My dad and some other older guys were in the basement drinking beer and watching sports on tv ,I stayed upstairs to help my mom and aunts prepare food and to hang out with my sexy cousin Frank. Im a little older than Frank but always found his long blonde hair and surfer body to be a real turn on.I had only seen Frank about twice a year since ever I caould remember and no longer thought of him as an annoying younger cousin.At 19 he had filled out in all the right places and I noticed a very manly bulge in Franks pants as he did his best to help with the holiday feast. I motioned for Frank to follow me outside so we could burn one, with hand signals and a nod of the head my plan was set in action. When we got outside and we were halfway thru our joint I just said it outright,"Frank I need your cock in my mouth"!! Frank beat me pretty bad and broke four of my ribs all the while puffing on the joint and calling me a cocksucking fairey .During the beating he mentioned he wasnt really a fan of weed anyway and prefered pabst blue ribbon. My broken nose didnt heal correctly and had to be rebroke 3 times.But I did try the beer and it was great . Thanks cousin Frank.
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