njy When I was a kid < kickedoutofhell > 2006-05-28 11:16:29
It was maybe July or August 1977 or it could have been 78 super hot and boring most of my friends left town to go down the shore. My dad was down at Klinskies on the corner drinking beer and watching the Yankee game with his pals. The phone rang and it was my dad asking me to run to the store and get some cigs. for him and his friends because the machine was broke again ,keep in mind this is when a little kid could get smokes if they siad they were for there dad or whatever. I got there and gave him the cigs. and told him he owed the store 3 bucks . I figured I would hang out and drink some cokes eat some pretzels and maybe score a couple bucks off my dad or some other drunk goofball. Im not real sure what was going on with the game but the word FUCK seemed real popular regarding the Yanks ,everyone was screaming about there bets and how niggers shouldn't have been let in the game in the first place. Around the end of the 9th with the FUCK thing still going on Frankie the Midget showed up. Frankie was a fixture in the nieghborhood and every one either liked him or tolerated him because he was a midget,he was also an alkie. Frankie hated my dad because my dad was in the marines and Vietnam and got medals and stuff .I guess maybe it was the midget thing or the drinking but Frankie always liked to challenge my dad to contest like arm wrestling or drinking contest or whatever.The challenge of the day for little Frank was push ups . My dad is and was a bit of a sadist but he always took Franks challenges .
njy When I was a kid 2 < kickedoutofhell > 2006-05-28 11:39:17
Franks challenges sort of for real but not to the point of being retarded .Frank was always allowed to win so that they could give him money for beers and smokes cause Frank was always broke. At the time my dad was only something like 32 or 35 and still in good shape he could do a hundred pushups on one arm even after working/drinking all day. He (mydad) did fifty and started mouthing off that Frankie couldn't touch it cause he was a midget and a drunk but Frank was used to this treatment ,I guess it's common to treat drunk midgets bad or at least it was then. Frankie finished his beer that he got on cred and jumped rite down and started doing his pushups he did great he passed my dads fifty in no time and was still going. Everyone in the bar was screaming and hooting and saying they would get Frank a beer when he won the bet.The word FUCK was still there but this time it was a good thing .The big money lost on the Yanks was even forgot about. I can't be sure but I guess Frank made it to about 70 or 75 before the massive heart attack. He was really doing good up until then. My dad gave the money Frankie won to his mom and then my dad and his friends took off from work for another three days to drive to Boston and then to North Carolina to tell the funny story about killing a midget. He almost got fired and my mom was real mad at him. THE END.
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