It was late and I guess I had one too many and didnt even have cab fair, so im walking or more like stumbling down the street trying to get home and I guess I was somewhere around the meatmarket when I decide to sit down and take a rest. To my amazement and utter horror I woke up to several 60ish to 70ish scabcovered transvestites dancining and prancing about me carrying torches and waggling their scab covered wino wangs in my face!! I was terrefied to the point of tinkiling in my skin tight gold spandex pants but at the same time my erection was nearly ripping the crotch out of my favorite evening attire. I thought they might kill me and hoped they might rape me.At this point I started to notice these werent just any run of the mill hobo rapist but were a gang of elderly ,transexual ,hobo ,performance artists and I was to be tonights "ART". The first of the old men smelled of Boones farm and rancid cock cheese as well as Chanel # 5 ,he was wearing a cute little number by Prada that clashed with his grey mud covered golashes. The whole scene was a blur Gucci handbags and Converese sneakers , the flying jizz ,Halston dresses and the stench of these creative geniuses favorite drink permeating the violation of my oh too willing gaping anus. The drink of course was PABST BLUE RIBBON thanks PBR!!
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