nyc I got into drug dealing for the wrong reason < - > 2006-11-04 15:19:19
It was the possibility I could bang a drug addicted family member named Julio who suffered from bleeding hemorroids and spoke with a pronounced lisp. I quit my job at Toys R Us and had a friend front me some smack/coke to begin my evil plan of butt humping my autistic cousin after getting him strung out. Things worked great my cousin crawling around on the floor and drooling encrusted in drying fecal matter and begging to swallow my manmeatloaf for another shot or hit. After I got most of his special Ed. class strung out and considered pimping them to one or more of my suppliers I started thinking maybe this wasnt the rite thing to do. I went to a priest and explained my unique dilemna and he suggested that I bring my 25 year old muscular and nubile but slightly retarded cousin for a visit. When we arrived the old priest sat us down and served refreshments ,ham&cheese sandwiches and a unique and exciting malt beverage I came to find out was called Pabst Blue Ribbon it reminded me of the heavenly taste of a freshly cleaned parapalegics bunghole. I traded my stupid dope addict cousin to the priest for a case of PBR and quit dealing ,went to school and am now a succesful cabinet member in the Bush administration. Thanks PBR.
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