feeling super great my left testicle looked like a hamburger patty from wendys and smelled like a rotting seagull boiling on a beach of human excrement for several days in august . As usual it was a Pabst Blue Ribbon related accident involving a few midget crossdressers (same OL story). Thats by no means important ,as im limping along trying to find a place that sells PBR or a nubile young and preferably cheap asian teenage prostitute. I digress, I really didn't need the cheap prostitute as much as the PBR. With some good ol Ameriocan made PBR, they all look like cheap asian prostitutes. Hey we've all been there, throbbing man sacks, teenage asian whores trying to scarf your last cig, and all the while everything seemingly a dream as you down that clean, crisp PBR, one can at a time, case after case. My fondest memory of PBR and a teenage asian prostitute was while driving to Florida from Maine in the Summer of 52 with my parents..they weren't keen on the prostitute but dad enjoyed her after mom past out from the PBR -LOL. AHHH, good times.
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