When my grampa died we were all pretty sad < - > 11/01 13:11:16 because he was a pretty cool old guy .He lived on the oppositte coast from my family proper but we spoke on the phone alot so still remained close even though he only visited once a year. Granma had passed away before my birth in a watermelon rind pickling accident that nearley cost him his sanity due to the fact that it was HIS watermelon that killed the old gal,but he percervered. As the closest to gramps house I was elected to leave school and search his house and buildings for anything valuable before the movers showed up. While I was looking thru an outbuilding on my 2nd day of my treasure hunt I came across gramps woodworking tools .I almost cried thinking about grampa sitting at his workbench working for hours on end sweating swearing and laughing as he produced some of the finest wooden dildos and vaginas in the US ,his calloused old hands lovingly touching the wood while he laughed his toothless laugh and drank a PBR whilst fondling his throbbing erection in his stained work pants. Suffice to say a tear came to my eye and I mangled my testicles in a wood lathe and did 4 months in intensive care. God bless grampa and god bless Pabst Blue Ribbon.
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