nyc Better? < - > 2006-11-03 13:25:56
I remember having to walk to the store rain or shine winter or summer to buy cigarettes for her while she lay in bed completely hung over from a night of cheap liquor and sex with one of my many "uncles". It was no wonder that I started to hang out at the truckstop to hear the truckers tales of exotic places like Toledo or Oklahoma city. Our town didnt have much going on since the plant closed which was inevitablle, no one really eats pickled cat anymore. Eventually due to my attraction to large unbathed men I began sucking cock for a living. It was rainy and cold when I climbed up in the cab and tried to shake off the cold, my nostrils immediatelly filled with the oh too familiar aromas of diesel, old pall-mall smoke and dried pre-semenal penis discharge. And then it hit my nose and sent a shiver down my spine and made my testicles squirm with delight. "What is that heavenly intoxicating aroma wafting about my good man?" Of course the trucker didnt answer he simply punched me hard in the Adams apple and said "Suck me you little man-whore." So it was off to work for me. I found out later as the trucker beat me close to unconsciousness for not swallowing everydrop that the smell that was still in my mind was nothing other than Pabst Blue Ribbon. Its been several years since that lifechanging night and as a result I now travel Americas highways and byways looking for a good skullfuck all the while wackin back delicious PBRs. Thanks PBR.
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