nyc Ski Lab-Meth Lab, visited < Kohno > 2005-07-01 07:46:02
A joint venture between the Russian Mafia and representatives of US based biker gangs has occupied the sky lab in order to manufacture the purest for of methamphetamine known to man, Los Vagabundos, Gypsy Jokers, Pagans, Lithuania Leftist, Armenian thief’s in Law, Russian racketeers all occupy what is now called, skylab/methlab. They arrived at the abandon sky lab in the earliest know space shuttle they bought at auction from NASA on e-bay. It was made by American Machine and Foundry (AMF) using the latest bowling alley technology, they used the best materials from their Hatteras Yacht line and the power train came from their Harley Davidson Division. The ships engines were twin 80 cubic foot Super Glide Harley Davidson engines. As all AMF HD engines this one leaked oil badly so the Russians outfitted the ship with a used stainless steel Pabst Blue Ribbon 7BB conical bottom fermentation tank with glycol jacket on the side wall full and of 5w30 motor oil that was continually pumped to the engines oil line via condensation pump and copper lines to keep a steady level of oil in the AMF shuttle motors. The tanks were lashed to the side of the shuttle with heat resistant strapping materials.
sfo Five Million Cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon < word_ho > 2005-02-19 14:01:10
Have we consumed five million cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon yet? All encompassing, all-consuming volume. Summertime leisure, wintertime indifference. Hot dogs, corn dogs, pizza, or Chinese take out? Does anyone here even fly a plane? Broken chair leg, divorces, newspaper, porno and Perry Mason. Portland lights to country stars in less than an hour. Straight through, he is sweat and truth, I think I have fallen in love with you. Cactus, a candle and would someone please do the dishes? She counts the rubbers when she’s here, big hair and full mouth, not a bad ass either. Two is too much, but one is not enough. Glory of the callouses on your hands, anger in the blood from your cut. Flowered paper lampshade doesn’t stand a chance. Lust for men’s backs, chests, shoulders just out of reach. Paper thin walls assure the truth, no heartache here for loss of youth.
sfo Dr. Phil/wife beating/commercial/shit < fabbri > 2005-01-23 04:52:07
(smack, smack) selfish fool. you're watching the late night movie on Kfab (cut to a commercial) Dr. Phil teaches how to trim nose hairs, not only 'how to', but 'how to', "correctly" -Oh, so they don't grow back? Yes, smiles with teeth space, horney, backward bald ass head, (cut to new/old late night movie) on Kfab. (filthy, filth) keep your hand outta your plate. Black and white, film "So, ya did my wife?" "Ya, you did my wife, huh?" (punch, kick, smash) Depressed totally, poor guy! Write a book maybe ten years or more will go by, Some life yo, huh, Some life. (boom, crash, bye!) Angry Italian Man- smacks his wife. Boxing match, police can't stop. Sesame street teaches counting to ten, backwards and back again. 1950 relationships (lament) Teeth go by flying and meatballs half chewed yet bruised up against red and white striped, kids table lower than the adults. Mr. Roboto, domy dohmo. Collagemo, collage me a million dollar picture. Will you remove me? If I talk loudly? Get atta here? I asked you nicely... (out steps a big steamy elephant load) Scare faced and tripping on the way Pabst blue ribbon tastes. Yo, you aint got no Corona?...damn... ...eat a celery stick, you sick twit. I love you... I admire you... in your wrestling ring of life... ...oh what round is it? watching the pretty woman... ding...shhhh ding ding ding ding... oh, her poster bends and webs the round number, squiggles, numbered 8. "...next is 9, do you know your line?" OK, dong. end of 8, "ok watch for the first swing... watch he'll just... fall down...." lips licked... "see"..."see"..."ya I saw", so pure, so pure, so pure.. He hit him right dead in the jaw. -upper cut, cameras flashes - so bright. up against the ring ropes - tight. bloody hope- Pure as thought. Do you really think I give a shit? Yo-old friend, if you think about how I think about your shitty shit...That's some stupid ass shit. Shitty shit aint worth thinking about. Ya know, you little shit. Don't let another minute go by, thinking about this shit. _______ 1/22/05 to be continued